Yes, I "ranted and raved" on my blog and in parts of my review updates, but that was because I had never been bullied and assaulted verbally by a business. It took me a while to get past my feelings and, by looking a hard look at what really had taken happened, realize why I was so fired up.
In the end, I was able to write a review that simply recounted what happened.
Ah, but underneath...
A 13-year member of the downtown Y--me--spills the beans. The high incidence of theft (especially locker break-ins) correlates with the bullying that I experienced here from several Y members and staff.
A health club is only as good as the staff and the members.
You won't know this before you join, so I'll tell you:
(1) Cutting corners; lifeguard apathy
There have been lifeguards who decided that all along they have been "lenient" to swimmers who over the years swam up to the last minute before the posted ending of the lap session and that the rule all alone was that swimmers had to be out of the pool area before then.
I've been swimming in Seattle the last 20 years and have never had lifeguards decide that since they want to "get out of the joint real quick," they will get everybody out of the pool before it is scheduled to close (even if one of the lifeguards is supposed to be at the pool afterwards doing other things).
I've witnessed lifeguards shut down 25 minutes early because no was in the pool.
Once I was viciously screamed at by a member (the resident "Hannibal Lecter") for accidentally kicking him. The lifeguard, typically, did not intervene.
So I have complained, and occasionally something has been done.
This is what the current director called "bending over backwards time and time again to accomodate my special needs." Plain weird.
(2) Tolerance of prejudice; inequality; ghettoization.
One of my shocking memories is taking an elevator with a fellow lap swimmer. A lifeguard--a twenty-something African-American woman, and another staff person was in it as well. The other swimmer, a Vietnamese-American, said "hello" to her, but she refused to acknowledge him and continued to talk to the other (white) staff person.
On the fifth floor, many white and black members form "buddy pairs" (with the African-American being the object of admiration, even adulation) and ostracize members of other races. "What are you doing talking to me??" They don't even see you. They don't want to.
When I first started going to the donwtown Y in 200, it looked more like Seattle: 70% white, 10% Asian, 5% black. Now it is closer to 40% white, 40% black, 10% Asian, 3% Hispanic.
If you think it is cool to be around African-Americans--and many, many people do--even ones on welfare or sketchy past histories, this gym might be an excellent fit for you.
African-Americans do seem to get special treatment. In my observations over the past 13 years, the things that might land others in trouble don't often apply to them.
In fact, it seems like the bigger a person's physical stature, the more weight s/he can throw around and get away with.
Rumor has it that a director who expelled an African-American for exploding and going on a 15-minute tirade against a member who simply asked if he could work in on a machine (the guy had been doing reps on that one machine for 10+ minutes) was fired.
Rules are selectively enforced; saff is reluctant, understandably, to confront much bigger than themselves and also face charges of "racism."
If you are small, unassertive, and/or Asian and male, expect to be treated with less respect or even dumped on from low-level staff that find in you a valve for their frustrations.
(3) Major security issues
Rows and rows of sotrage lockers on all members floors: regular lockers for cltohes, smaller deposit boxes fir valuables, larger ones (just for gym clothes), and still others for labtops on the main floor. This, I guess, doesn't count the containers for needles in the dressing rooms. It makes for a state of siege.
These improvements all occurred after they were brought in by the new director three years ago.
I was harassed repeatedly here, and all the staff could do the next time I went to report an incident was to say, "Oh, yeah, ANOTHER incident?!"
(4) Rules that change from week to week, sometimes even from day to day
Rules are posted for a week, sometimes longer, then are taken down and replaced by new notices. No one seems to have the same udnerstanding of what "the" rules are. The useful plaques reminding memers to allow others to work in on machines were ienxytivsnly taken down a few years ago. Most members don't even know what the rules are and many wouldn't care even if they did.
(5) No water/energy conservation. Some members take half a dozen towels or more. There used to be notices encouraging water conservation. They were posted for three weeks, then taken down.
(1) There are some nice staff here (Becky, Jeff, Courtney, Sarah...). The loyalty of many members and volutneers is commendable.
There are some wonderful teachers, too: Dean, Daniel, Bev, Debra, Bridgett...
Great historic building, more than adequate facilities, central lcoation.