The Seattle Times, like all daily newspapers across this country, has a responsibility to provide objective, balanced reporting
This does not happen at Seattle's sole remaining daily. The most glaring example was several weeks ago when several hundred Asian-Americans converged on Westlake Plaza in downtown to protest the conviction of Peter Liang, a New York City police officer who accidentally shot an African immigrant in a housing project.
The Seattle Times refused to cover this event, whereas when a few dozen Black protesters have marched (and blocked traffic for hours), the Times has covered it on their front page.
In the middle of the speeches, some African-Americans ran up to the podium and grabbed the microphone. A struggle ensued, with the black protesters insisting that they had the right to make their views known.
Anyone who is fair-minded, open, and in touch with what is going on in this country will recall how Black Lives Matter protesters did the same thing to Bernie Sanders's last attempted rally in Westlake Plaza. But the Seattle Times did cover that fiasco on their front page.
With what is happening as well to Donald Trump rallies--and I wholeheartedly despise the man and his views--, I see a pattern: an intentional deprivation of the right of free speech, which is guaranteed by the First Amendment.
I ask others what would happen if at a Black Lives Matters Protest, if a group of white (or Asian or Hispanic or gay) protesters had attempted to storm the podium and grab the microphone away from the black speakers.
In the case of the Asian demonstration, their leaders had to eventually AGREE to allow the black protesters to come to the podium and broadcast their views to everyone there at the event.
The Seattle Times has the responsibility to stand up for equality for all, not just one group whose cause it has deep sympathy for and wishes to champoion. Not covering the Asian-American protest was deeply unfair and irresponsible.
I urge a boycott of this newspaper, and I would certainly never consider a subscription to it.