Seattle's only daily does a pretty bad job of covering local news.
It is an adept practitioner of discrimination.
The life of Frederic Nesbitt matters.
He was an 87-year-old man who died April 6, 2016 after his hip was broken after he fell to the ground when his cart was violently shoved several times by a man less a third his age at the Crown Hill QFC. Whether this was a racial incident is unknown, and the media are unwilling to identify the races of either.
The life of Frederic Nesbitt did not and does not matter to the Seattle Times.
At least the online Seattle P.I., with the remnants of a staff, reported it. The P.I. also reported the death of a store clerk who was stabbed to death in a grocery in the International District in mid-January, again a story not deemed newsworthy by the Seattle Times.
Only qfox showed photos of the suspect and victim in the latter.
These were not "random" incidents.
I had a similar incident in the Safeway at 15th & John 10 years ago with a young black man who rammed his cart into mine and then started to yell at me. Luckily I was not hurt.
* * * * *
Other than that, Seattle snores.
Go back to looking at your I-pads and twittering about the hippest restaurants you've been to recently.
The marketplace of ideas, unlike that of smartphones, for instance, has few buyers here.
"Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day."
-Dylan Thomas