mardi 19 juillet 2016

Review of the New York Times


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Another police murder? Not even important enough to warrant even a mention?

The New York Times has refused to cover the fatal shooting of yet another police officer (7.9.2016), this time in Kansas City, KS. In the past year, it has given day after day front-page coverage, analysis, and editorials to the Black Lives Matter.

This and other glaring omissions constitute egregiously unbalanced coverage, blatant bias, and serious ethical irresponsibility.

The Seattle Times mentioned it "in passing," apparently deeming the death of a white police officer of minor interest as well.

The same day, The Chicago Tribune included coverage of a non-fatal shooting of a police officer in Milwaukee police officer the same day:

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The New York Times is complicit in the violence, creating the impression that the police in this country are racist and violent against minorities. In crime-ridden neighborhoods, it must be very difficult for the police to do their job faced with out-of-control behavior and threats of violence and directed their way constantly.

If the Times has a local bureau in Kansas City, I wonder if the reporter there gets muzzled, or whether s/he simply refuses to cover a story that would not fit the Times's "narrative."

If the Times has a bureau in Seattle, which I believe it does, where were the stories on unarmed black men killing locals James Paroline, Tuba Man, Danny Vega, and others? Or the murder of the four Lakewood cops, just one fewer than in Dallas?

You don't have to be a conservative reactionary to know that The New York Times is not providing unbiased, balanced coverage of national affairs: just someone with a sense of fair play.

No one will deny the historical record of oppression. What is in question is whether everything negative since then has the fault of the white race, which, indeed, is a very racist proposition.  This would be to assign total blame to a people based on their skin color (race) and hold all individuals of that race responsible.  

Carried to the extreme of its logic, isn't that what Palestinians do to Israelis, and vice versa?

I would have liked to subscribe to the New York Times, as it does provide excellent coverage in other areas (international news, health, arts...).

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Freedom of conscience: something that cannot be bought or sold on the marketplace. It is a right and a duty. And it is free.

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