jeudi 21 juillet 2016

The Lives of Others: A second letter to The Seattle Weekly

Dear Sir:

You could add to the list of course Kristopher Kime, stomped to death in the Mardi Gras riots in Pioneer Square in this wonderful city of ours, or, in another city  (or its sister across the water) beloved for its progressive politics:

An 83-year old Chinese man beaten to death by five boys on a Bayview street and a 57-year-old woman injured after being thrown off a Third Street Muni platform. On April 16, two teenagers in Oakland assaulted Tian Sheng Yu, a 59-year-old Chinese immigrant, in broad daylight. A punch knocked him to the ground; the fall killed him.

The deaths were caused by unarmed black men.

I've experienced a  widely disproportionately amount of racial prejudice and violence from blacks, not whites, in this glorious city.

Asian Lives Matter.  The lives of police officers, and their families, do, too.

Do you really think the majority of the black men killed by police were  either not committing a crime or threatening a police officer?   If so, what do you base this on?    I don't know, but I will not jump to conclusions based on emotional reasoning alone.

All I do know is that black athletes and movie stars and pop stars (MIchael Jordan, Beyonce...the list is long) are admired and adulated by many, if not most, whites.

I do question the assumption that cops go out of their way to murder innocent black people for no reason whatsoever except racism.

After Ferguson, a white police officer would have to be very foolish to do so, Darren Wilson's family having gotten death threats, being forced to resign, gone into hiding.

I didn't hear of white liberals marching in the streets of Seattle to demand justice for the local deaths of Kristopher Kime, Tuba Man (one of his killers got 36 months in jail, as I recall), James Paroline, Danny Vega, Dien Kien Huynh, all by unarmed black men, as well as the savage beatings of Chea Pol and Heng Hay and many others. that went un- or under-reported by the media?

Or the murders of the four Lakewood (white) cops execution-style by a black man?   

The hypocrisy and cowardice of white liberals is enough to make one throw in the towel.

You would never give another side of the story.  That's The Seattle Weekly, isn't it?

So much for diversity.

So much for democracy.

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