jeudi 15 septembre 2016

Few want to hear this, they don't want to believe it's true

It is hard for me to believe that my experience of being looked at with contempt, hatred, suspicion, and anger is not shared by other racial minorities in Seattle and elsewhere in the United States.

I speak from my own personal experience:
As a racial minority (but not African-American), I have experienced in Seattle far more frequent and far more virulent racism-- from dirty looks and rudeness to actual physical and verbal abuse--from African-Americans than from Caucasians.*

Few will believe me, few want to hear this, white or black, Asian, Hispanic, Native American, Arab,,,

But I tell the truth
of my own experience.

I dare.
I do.

Someone has to.

Seattle, Washington

* I don't live in a neighborhood or frequent parts of Seattle where African-Americans are more than 10%-20% of the population.

mercredi 7 septembre 2016


Police brutality

All cops are bad guys...they're not even human beings.  They kill black people and get away with it, all of them.

samedi 3 septembre 2016

The liberal 's catechism (and guide) to sympathy based on skin color, gender, orientation, and other salient features

Rough correlates to Affirmative Action targets and college admission policies at elite universities

Black   +3,000

American Indian  +700

Women  +600

Hispanic   +600

LGBT   +600

Muslim   +400

Poor  +400

Elderly   +100

Handicapped   +100

Asian   -100

Men    -750

White   -2,000

White Men  -3,000

White Working Class Men  -3,100

I've wondered why so-called liberals feel the need to bash* the one lonely person who holds an opinion that 10,000 others (liberals) vehemently disagree with and condemn.

So much for diversity, so much for tolerance.

* as in "vile," "loony," and other ad hominem-style attacks.