mercredi 30 octobre 2019

What cowardice is: Re-victimizing a victim. Censorship is based on fear of the truth.

OCT 30, 2019  |  10:45AM PDT

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How can others expect me to be concerned about racism when I don't even deal with the accumulated daily racism I experience?

Obama wants us to have a frank discussion, so let's have it.

Now that white Seattle, like so many places, has handed over power to African-Americans (Seattle Public Library, Seattle Center, Seattle Police Department, Seattle Housing Authority, etc.), to me it is clear, as one who has to deal with SHA, that this transfer of political power has not worked out well for all minorities.

(The question arises, too, as to which top city or civic posts are held by political appointees. And who decides?).

Seattle is 70% Caucasian, 12% black, 13% Asian, 4% Hispanic...

Based on my experience, I think SHA turns a largely deaf ear to minorities that its target population often feels antipathy towards.

Conflict arose when the subtext exploded into reality: As a person of a despised minority, I was implicitly "understood" to defer/obey to residents and staff of the dominant/favored race.

Which I had difficulty doing.

"Why was that white woman treated better than I [was]?" in the monthly residents' newsletter showing an African-American illustrates who that target population is.

Unfortunately, "racial and social justice" (the name of one of its departments) for all does not appear to be accessible to all of those whom it, ostensibly, serves.

Residents should not have to live year after year next door to their aggressor(s): those who have repeatedly sexually harassed and behaved in an unapologetically, virulently racist manner towards them.

It takes a huge toll on their health. Now I have high blood pressure and chronic anxiety.


I felt, psychologically, like Anita gang-raped in "West Side Story":

"Let me go by."

"NO WAY. It's my turn...let me have a go at her."


Staff should not behave in a way that discriminates against certain residents, based on race, by destroying written complaints and/or failing to do inspections that they have conducted with other residents with similar or identical maintenance issues.

In my case, this failure to inspect my apartment for water damage after heavy rains that damaged the two apartments above me has contributed to the development of serious respiratory issues, including sinusitis and asthma.

Moreover, covert and/or overt retaliation--sweeping things under the rug--against the vulnerable (elderly, disabled, undesirable demographic groups--even if unacknowledged as such) and whistle blowers, as well as destroying or hiding/removing incriminating evidence is very disappointing.

It erodes faith in our public and civic institutions and gives rise to strong feelings of social injustice.

SHA hires a full-time, in-house legal counsel, which--I surmise--allows it to cut corners--while minimizing risks and protecting its own interests--and get them out of "sticky situations.

"We scratch your back if you scratch ours" does not seem to be an ethical underpinning of its modus operandi, even if not in violation, per se, of the law.

How is this different from Trumpism?

In the long run, favoritism and exclusion do not serve the cause of humanity. The bumper-sticker I saw recently said, "There is no 'we' and 'they'."

2019 Seattle is neither 1940's Seattle nor 1920's Birmingham.

Who is paying the bill for what--and why?

I learned--alas, too late, perhaps--that waiting for others to do what one lacks the courage to do is untenable for me, at least.

Is there a charter or set of rules under which SHA operates? I don't think they'd be willing to share this except under duress. I tried to use Public Disclosure Laws to obtain records. They used a "I never had sex with that woman" type of obfuscation.

Why isn't there apparently any oversight or ombudsman?

SHA is one of the largest non-profits in Seattle.

What about a class action suit by tenants and by tenant organizations against this behemoth = fiefdom that is self-governing and answers to no one, neither the Seattle City Council nor H.U.D.?

Surely H.U.D, which funds S.H.A., does not permit discrimination.

From these experiences I now understand how difficult it is to question unspoken racial hierarchies and assumptions.

In Buddhism, courage is a quality that can be cultivated.

In the U.S., freedom is supposedly a right, not dependent on who or what group is in power.
"Something is rotten in the state of Denmark." (Hamlet)

I'd rather be forbidden fruit than fruit that's been devoured by others." (Lily H.)"

"They want me to be blinded-folded AND play the donkey, too. They wouldn't take 'no.' " (Resident)

"Not all transactions are in $$." (The Anti-Yelp)


An elderly brown fag am I. A human being, too.


I would like to report improvement with the recent departure of a property manager.

In fact, though it is impossible to ascertain, I suspect that SHA directly or indirectly was responsible since October 22, 2019 of the removal of my photos and captions, which made sense of what had happened to me over the past 7 years.

They make a strong case by giving a first-hand, intimate look at living in public housing and the deafness of SHA.

Seven years of a next-door-neighbor coming onto me-acts of blatant voyeurism, racist insults ("You're pretty weird. Guess it's 'cause you're Asian"), sexual taunts, and illegal entry. Another, Mommie Dearest, has been hell-bent on being my best friend.

The toxic racism directed at me was the most searing of my entire adult life.

(The ostensible "guidelines" are a pretext to remove ones that step on the toes of a powerful but invisible few. No names or photos of individuals).

The pairing of image and haiku-type caption was a way for me to come to terms with the racism and sexual trauma. Art, literature, and history have enormous relevance in our lives.

I spent 200+ hours working on this, and all has disappeared. I hoped it would convey how devastating sexual abuse and racial harassment are.dd. Yelp did not send me warning nor a copy.

With all its trademark consumerist venality, the friends of Yelp-SHA had the great wisdom, generosity, creativity, courage, and perspicacity to bend to pressure to remove my work.

Who really cares, except for a few SHA honchos?

Living here has been like being "held up" daily, literally (taking up your time by engaging in increasingly outre behaviors) and figuratively.

Neighbors who glee over stripping others, psychologically, of their defenses and force them into exploitative relationships...

Factor in the moral cowardice evinced by SHA, the largest landlord in Seattle. SHA could act unequivocally in defense of racial justice and human dignity.

People can and do get very sick living in these "communities" of "special populations," as my words and images tried to graphically and vividly convey. Social promiscuity here can be toxic when family-of-origin conflicts are played out in a destructive fashion, with neighbors--the person next door--as proxies.

And hold on--"Till Do Us Part"--they do, "pourrissant, sans complexe,la vie des autres," as the French would say. Poisoning the well of life of other residents if they can't gorge themselves at that very same well.

The pretext of being wanting to be "a good neighbor" and to help ("you poor poor thing, aren't you pathetic") can be unmasked for what it is. But caution: the mask is glued to the faces of some.

Fear the knock on the door. Neighbors with the gentle Gestapo touch ('YOU ARE NOT TO DO THIS. THIS IS AN ORDER"). Fear neighbors who insinuate themselves into your life.

(Hence, the common message taped on doors, "Please do not disturb. Visits only by appointment.").

Being subtle - Asking - Indirectly asking -
Guilt-tripping - Demanding - Threatening - Punishing - Destroying.

From what I have observed, SHA communities rely heavily on the right side of the scale.

How you can build communities when residents have no understanding of where they end and others begin?

The blind leading the blind.

(I would include staff, not just residents).

This is psychological cannibalism, grown adults with deep unmet needs turning to other "empty wells" for attention, companionship, love. Hence, the intense internecine conflicts among residents who do venture rarely outside Section 8 because of psychopathology disorders, etc., making interactions problematic if not impossible. That, and the fact that it is much easier to find victims among a vulnerable population, within 'The Community.'

Most staff seem to have reasonable interpersonal skills. But it seems they cannot fathom the dynamics of interpersonal relations in SHA housing.

A course in Psychology 101 would be most helpful, as residents are not only financially deprived but also of basic human nurturing--a childhood deficit--as well as a sense of adequacy, self-love--as opposed to narcissism. There is little interest in the world beyond gossip about the affairs of neighbors.

A fishbowl existence: Banality, boredom, backstabbing, bitching.

The three "i's" apply to much of SHA staff: ineffective, incompetent, indifferent. And perhaps a "B" for burn-out.

Section 8 housing surely is worthy of a dissertation in social psychology or a longitudinal study.

"To thine own self be true and it must follow...."

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