dimanche 18 janvier 2015

Gangbang is not gang rape: A review of Yelp.com

Girl,  you gotta get down (on all fours) and SHAKE it!!

Good news to report to one and all:   I have not recently been forced In "Talk" by my local Yelp "elite" into submitting to simulated gang rape!

I dunno.

Maybe it's because the first time I didn't scream loud enough or get down on all fours and shake it.  I thought I was only supposed to yelp.

Or maybe there wasn't enough blood.  Or rope.

* * * * *

You've heard of "bubble tea." haven't you?

All you need to know about Yelp is:   "bubble heads."

As in food, booze, loud music, twitter, and--for cohesion--virtual group assault and other pretty cool activities.

(There isn't supposed to the slightest whiff of social critique on Yelp but I'll say, anyway, that I'm glad I'm a baby boomer).

Real bullshit


In the parlance of Yelp (or The Stranger or some wannabe hipster):

"Ain't gonna let some ignorant white person, he be young and liberal, call me a racist.  They do, and I'm gonna whoop 'em ass some.  They don' know what racism is.

They got closed minds, brainwashed, that's what I say.  They ain't lived through the Sixties, I did.  A movie is a movie, someone make it up.

Black is as racist as white, if not more, history and liberal white people make even more racist."

Since when did they stand up for something they really believed in rather than something that someone told them they should believe?

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