samedi 12 novembre 2016

The most undeserving candidate for the U.S. president in history won. An historic defeat.

No one is angrier than I am than that that blow-bag/demagogue/plutocrat Trump won.  It is the worst political event that I have witnessed in my entire lifetime.   

My disappointment that Hillary Clinton, a decent, smart, hard-working person with incredible experience as First Lady, U.S. Senator, and Secretary of State did not win after two campaigns in which she showed her fortitude and in debates in which she showed great dignity in the face of the relentless, vicious assaults of Donald Trump ("She has hate in her heart," "I'll put in you jail once elected,"  and "You're a dishonest person").*

To have to listen to and see his face, as well as deal with the things he as bloviated windbag will do to this country, for the next four years is more than I can really bear.

The appearance of his very voice and face make me groan inside.  I will not enjoy, either, watching so-called liberals the next four years marching in mass demonstrations every other few weeks with posters saying "Trump is a c---" (talk about misogyny) and burning his effigy in public.

I am leaving this country.

At least for two weeks during his "coronation" in January next year.

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If his election, past the shock, does not cause widespread long-term depression among a significant part of the population, I don't know what will.

It is of  some consolation that Hillary Clinton won the presidency in terms of the popular vote by probably at least a million votes.  

* At the same time some responsibility must be laid at the feet of Clinton  herself and especially the aide who approved the ill-advised email server set-up.  And FBI Director James Comey's weaving in and out of the campaign since August was not just unjustified but, in retrospect, ridiculous and, moreover, shameful. I don't believe History will not be kind to Mr. Comey.

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