mardi 4 août 2015

American vernacular English: What is a bitch? What is a bastard?

I was foolish, but I have a clear conscience.

from Lily's Dictionary of American English (2015):

Someone who (a) knows how to press another person's buttons, (b) uses that knowledge to her advantage, and/or (c) tells the most insidious half- or quarter-truths, with a straight face, EVEN IF THAT CAUSES HARM OR SUFFERING TO OTHERS.

Someone who is contemptuous, angry, and hostile as well is "a fucking bitch" or "a fucking bastard."

Do you know anyone who fits that description?

I do.  Is there anyone who doesn't (or hasn't known someone who...)?

It is normal, I think, to wish harm to someone who has harmed you, and even more so, if you believe that that other person is evil, i.e., intentionally hurt you, even though you had done that person no harm, to benefit him or herself in some way.

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