mardi 14 juillet 2015

She does a very good Linda Blair imitation; Shock and Awe

Linda Blair was the 13-year old actress (at the time) who played Regan in the movie of "The Exorcist."

Things like that happen only in the movies.  I mean, no one can really turn their heads around 180 degrees, and suddenly change from sweet child to hideous demon, or whatever Regan does.

Oh, you mean it's just a metaphor?   I think I know what a metaphor is, yeah...

You Americans, you take things always so literally.

None of this will make any sense if you have not gone through a similar experience, or known someone who has.

(Lucky you are if you haven't.  Naive you will be if you haven't at least heard of something similar).

Ms. Klever was very nice, I thought, when I first encountered her.   In fact, I still thought she was very nice after two years and two meetings with her, including the last one, although I couldn't quite get rid of the suspicion that she was hiding something or possibly making up some stuff as well.

Is it possible that she was taking where B. left off and using exaggerated reports of complaints or even inventing some of her own as a way to quell or counter my own complaints?

Innocent until proven guilty, right?  I'm too suspicious.  She seems too nice to be a bad person.

Something changed, obviously.  I don't understand how or why the circumstances did but they did.

And in a fairly short meeting--I don't think it could have been much longer than 15-20 minutes at most--she quickly became a person, or rather a facade, that I did not recognize.

The tactics may be well known to others, i.e., the U.S. Defense Department, "shock and awe."

Here the shock and awe is produced by the rapid-fire of two things:

a blanket of
(1) egregious lies or distortions, e.g., taking things that happened over two years and saying that they are still occuring.   Or "You threatened me" (luckily, I was still not "awed" enough to not be able to rejoinder, "Yes, and you threatened me first, when you...").

(2) take-no-prisoners accusations and blame

The betrayal, hurt, anger, and confusion, I think, would lead most people to blurt out an expletive (or two), at which point, she's got you by the balls.

"I can't believe you're really saying this to me."

"I can't believe this is happening."

"I can't believe you got me here to act this way."

"I can't believe you are who you are."

To be in this situation:
What a bitch [the situation].

"We don't use that language at the YMCA.  It's against our values" (well, you haven't been, then, past the basketball court and in the locker room).

Yeah, bitch [the person].

Even the sweetest and gentlest of cats will pull out its claws and fangs (and fight, too) if cornered by a bigger animal that threatens to harm it...

Lily ain't got a leg to stand on now.

Membership blocked for one month.

You   f * * * b ** *

None of this was premeditated or planned out in advance.  I didn't come here with the intention to harm you or "fix you" but to reach a fair resolution of the conflict, the latter of which you stated was over the last email I sent you and not anything else.

Membership terminated.

Take him out and shoot him.

The executive did nothing wrong (She simply blasted the other person's ass right out the window, in our everyday language. Ain't nothing wrong with that, either.  That's the way our system works.).

Thus confidence in our system and its fairness is strengthened, right?    

The irony is that in a previous email I had said something about not wanting things to be like Guantanamo Bay (I'm not sure what comparison I was making, it did seem rather rather far-fetched after I hit the "send" button).

Yes, people can get court-martialed for the strangest of things in our country, which wouldn't hold up, presumably in a civilian court of law.

Might is right.  Who's got the biggest army wins, right?

In a sense, I don't think she's acting really that differently from some of the people I find really scary at the YMCA.  Maybe she understands them too well.

But who's going to say this, except stupid me who got punished because he trusted in human decency (As long as I don't do any wrong, how can they have a case against me?).

Only very stupid people trust.

Dog eat dog.  You don't eat them, they eat you.

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