samedi 11 juillet 2015

Stupid Me. I didn't figure this out until now.

.What they don't want others to know.

It's been just a shadow play all along.

What this is really about...
The truth is that...

(1)  I was bullied not only by members at the YMCA but also by employees of the YMCA, including the current Director of the downtown YMCA because I told them I was being bullied and complained that they were not doing enough to protect me.  If I could prove this and spoke, the YMCA could then be legally responsible for the damages.

Thus, in terminating membership, they felt they would no longer be at risk.  But they needed to give a reason as well that would also not leave them open to charges.

Obviously, too, they don't want bad publicity, and the best way to stop it may to be to go to the source and just turn it off, i.e., kill the messenger.

(2)  Who wouldn't be annoyed and dislike someone who was asking you to do things that were just not very fun and, frankly, downright difficult, i.e., enforcing the rules of the YMCA ("sharing," "caring," "responsibility," and can't remember the fourth of the quartet that someone at the national headquarters came up with) as well as the guidelines ("allowing other people to work in sets when doing multiple sets...")?

When what you really wanted to do with the time s/he required to do the above things was to shoot the breeze in your office with other staff and members?   

Meetings, too, are undoubtedly a lot more enjoyable (who doesn't love to crack jokes, get together with colleagues and drink coffee and eat snacks, and problem solve with others in a relaxed atmosphere?).

Who needs this character, anyway?   S/he's being difficult.

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